Who We Are
Wahine Toa Rising is Survivor Led & Supports Wahine Toa (Warrior Women) & Tamariki (Children) who have & are being Exploited in the Sex Trade in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

Wahine Toa Rising is Survivor Led & Supports Wahine Toa (Warrior Women) & Tamariki (Children) who have & are being Exploited in the Sex Trade in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
Commercial sexual exploitation silences women. Wahine Toa Rising gifts survivors a safe supported space to speak about their lived experience. We support women with aroha to share what they know about the trade and the impact it has had on their lives.
Commercial sexual exploitation damages solidarity and connection between women. We are building a survivor sisterhood within Aotearoa, Australia and the Pacific Islands .
This is not consent, this is coercion. This is not sex work, this is rape. This is economic exploitation. This is women’s oppression. Decriminalisation of johns and pimps has not improved our safety or lives.
I would cry on my way into the brothel, but by then I felt trapped in the work and felt I had to make something of my life with the money before I could quit, to make it all worthwhile.