the future of wahine toa

Our Plans For The Future

Wahine Toa Rising is growing rapidly as we continue to support Wahine and Tamariki in Aotearoa NZ.


With growth comes new challenges and the need for some changes.  We have decided that Wahine Toa Rising will be in a better position to serve wahine and tamariki in New Zealand as a registered charity.

Registering as a charity can open up opportunities for resources and partnership that may not otherwise be available. Registration creates trust with potential partners and puts in place systems for accountability that reinforces that trust. As a charity we will have access to sources of funding that would otherwise be unavailable. Our team members will have access to educational resources and training otherwise out-of-reach.

We are building up our team

Access to the resources and opportunities that charities can access will help us achieve our near-term and long-term goals:

  • Directly supporting more wahine and tamariki
  • Growing our base of volunteers
  • Creating full-time paid positions
  • Offering the services of a qualified psychologist and social worker who specialises in exploitation and trauma
  • Hiring office space
  • Establishing a 24/7 support line
  • Securing funding for food vouchers, emergency accommodation, fuel vouchers and crisis support in order to provide immediate assistance and accommodation
  • Implementing a survivors retreat

We are pleased with the service that we’ve been able to provide to date. And we are excited about our plans for the future.

Can you help us reach our goals?

We are incredibly happy to have along on our journey with us. You’ve given use the support we’ve needed to make it this far. Your support has helped us to help our communities. If you are in a position to donate today, then your further support will be much appreciated.

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Other ways to support us

Monetary donation are much appreciated – no matter how small. But there are other ways to support our work.

Sharing a link to our website on your facebook or twitter account will bring more attention to our mission.

Watch this space. As we continue to grow we want to keep you updated.

Thank you for your commitment and support